During my internship at Richards Design Group, I was tasked with branding a new company that would focus on selling cards, stationary, and notebooks. During this project I developed the idea of a windmill, a source of infinite energy, and connected it with paper and notes, sources for infinite creativity. In addition to the logo, I was responsible with selecting the typeface and additional branding.

Richards Paper & Notes Logo
Richards Paper & Notes Branding Showcase

Logo and Branding Development

Drawing inspiration and branding elements from Richards Design Group (Parent Company) to give the new design familiarity to customers.

Richards Design Group Logo
Initial development
First Draft Logos
Second Draft Logos

Rough Drafts

Here you can see the development and eventually, the final logo taking shape. During this time I experimented with different colors and typefaces and discussed with my coworkers more about what the company’s goals were. This helped me decide the direction I wanted to go in with the logo and led to something I really felt achieved the correct feeling.

Windmill Stamp Development

Final Logo in all Colors

Final Logos all Colors