JS niveau 1 Sneaker Design

I’ve always had an interest in sneakers and functional design. As an attempt to improve my portfolio and my skills I decided to take on this project. I wanted to design a sneaker completely from scratch. Previous to this I had never even sketched a real sneaker. Throughout the project I learned a lot and improved my vision of footwear design and what kind of designer I want to be.

Final Sneaker Side View
Final Sneaker Top View


Starting with many rough sketches on paper, I developed a few ideas to move forward with. The challenge was to sketch a sneaker that looked attractive and familiar while still bringing something new and eye popping.

Sneaker Sketches

After the initial sketches, and color versions, I began digitalizing my designs. Completing the neater, digital versions as lineart, black and white, and color views helped me decide which modifications gave me the best sneaker. My decisions where based on the options that challenged me and my perception of design the most. My favorites were highlighted in gold.

Rough Digital Drafts

Using additional colors to show off each design. In the end these three variants were very similar and I think would all make stylish shoes. 

Sneaker variant 1
Sneaker Variant 2
Sneaker variant 3


While I still have a lot to learn, my interest in designing footwear has never been higher. I’m currently learning how to use Blender better in order to model these sneakers and create 3D renders. I really enjoyed the process and feel like I learned a lot and achieved a vibrant and result that fits me as a designer.

In the future I would like to go further into the process and experiment with not just 3D modeling but more material and color design.

Final Sneaker All Views